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Pre- & Post-Storm Assessments

Before the Storm

  • Determine if the existing manufacturer/contractor warranty is still valid to potentially lessen any financial burden.

  • Identify any leaks and determine of they can be temporarily repaired ahead of the storm.

  • Complete a comprehensive roof and exterior wall system inspection and assessment to ensure your building enclosure is as secure as possible.

  • Establish performance expectations at pre-negotiated rates for disaster response.

After the Storm

  • Assess the severity of weather-related damage to the building's exterior.

  • Conduct an infrared of nuclear moisture scan of the roof to identify any "below the roof" issues.

  • Use Garland's Comprehensive Laboratory Effective Analysis Reporting program (CLEAR) to conduct a roof sample analysis.

  • Determine if a temporary emergency roof solution is needed to minimize interior damage.

We're here to help

When severe weather strikes, building owners have countless decisions to make in an instant. Having a trusted partner help you with one area of your building so you can focus your attention in other areas can make a huge difference. And if we've learned anything in recent years, it's that damaging weather isn't limited to coastal areas or tornado zones - everyone is susceptible.

If you're not already connected with the Garland Territory Manager for your area, click here to find the rep nearest you.