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R-Mer® Seal

  • Aggressive Adhesion
  • Flexible & Self-Healing
  • Easy Installation

R-Mer Seal is a self-adhering high-temperature metal roofing underlayment. It comprises a durable, non-slip, cross-laminated polymer film laminated to a high-temperature rubberized asphalt adhesive. A split-release film protects the adhesive on the back side of the membrane and prevents the roll from sticking to itself during storage and handling. R-Mer Seal is engineered as a continuous secondary waterproofing underlayment under Garland’s metal roof systems. R-Mer Seal can also be used in valleys, ridges, penetrations, and eaves for protection against ice dams and wind-driven rain. It can also serve as an underlayment for coping caps and edge metal applications.

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Product Specifications


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Aggressive Adhesion

R-Mer Seal is formulated with high-temperature rubberized asphalt for reliable protection. R-Mer Seal exhibits superior adhesion to the roof deck and strong lap strength, ensuring long-term watertight protection. Quality-controlled manufacturing ensures uniform film thickness throughout each roll.

DURING photos of Unversity Hospital in Cleveland, OH

Flexible & Self-Healing

The rubberized adhesive compound yields a flexible membrane with excellent elongation capabilities and tensile strength to accommodate the expansion and contraction of the substrate. The rubberized adhesive layer also exhibits self-healing capabilities and accommodates fasteners, staples, nails, and screws while maintaining a watertight seal.

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Easy Installation

The peel-and-stick application and overlap guidelines make installation fast and easy. R-Mer Seal’s cross-laminated polymer film provides an excellent slip-resistant surface for installers.

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RMer Span Curve Panels are being installed onto the North County Regional Library