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Flashing Bond®

  • Factory Formulation Ensures Uniform Quality
  • Versatile
  • Long-Lasting Performance

Flashing Bond is a cold-applied, trowel-grade mastic designed for patching and leak repair on asphalt roofing systems. It contains high-solids content asphalt, additional fiber reinforcement, and plasticizing oils that improve low-temperature performance.

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Product Specifications


Quality Control Feature Photo

Factory Formulation Ensures Uniform Quality

Flashing Bond is factory formulated under rigid quality control conditions to ensure uniform product quality. This eliminates the variables inherent on the job site preparation of roof materials where quality control depends on the individual roofer’s expertise.

Product Page Feature Photos Flashing Bond


Flashing Bond is a multi-purpose material ideal for installing or maintaining flashings, sealing metal roof or gutter leaks, and repairing holes, splits, or blisters in the roof mat.

GarMesh Website Photo

Long-Lasting Performance

Flashing Bond is double-reinforced to outlast and outperform conventional roof cement. Long-strand fibers provide inherent reinforcement and eliminate run or sag in vertical surface applications. Flashing Bond should be used in conjunction with Gar-Mesh® as the reinforcing membrane for the roof repair, which will reinforce Flashing Bond as steel rods reinforce concrete.

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RMer Span Curve Panels are being installed onto the North County Regional Library