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Insul-Lock® HR

  • Ease of Installation
  • High-Rise
  • Versatile & Low Odor

Insul-Lock HR is a highly elastomeric, one-step, VOC-compliant, high-rise roof insulation adhesive that contains no solvents and sets in minutes. Insul-Lock HR is designed to give you the benefits of a two-component insulation adhesive without the errors of improper mixing. Insul-Lock HR was designed for bonding approved roof insulations to a building's structural roof deck, base sheets, other insulation boards, smooth and mineral roof systems, or properly prepared coal tar and asphalt graveled built-up roof surfaces.

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Ease of Installation

Insul-lock HR is an easy-to-apply, self-contained, two-component insulation adhesive that does not require manual or mechanical mixing. Mixing is done through a static mixing tip. 

Insul-Lock HR Website Photo


Insul-lock HR provides an alternate attachment method for the application over gravel roofs. Insul-Lock HR will rise to adhere insulation board to properly prepared gravel roof systems, eliminating the labor cost involved in fastening to all types of decks. 

low VOC, hospital/schools/heavily populated areas

Versatile & Low Odor

Insul-Lock HR is compatible with a variety of insulation types that are listed on the back. It provides a fast set in a variety of temperatures. The low-odor nature of this product makes it a perfect fit for sensitive schools and hospitals and a must for all environmentally conscious facilities. Insul-lock HR is a VOC-compliant solution that will not disrupt building occupants. 

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RMer Span Curve Panels are being installed onto the North County Regional Library