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HPR® All-Temp Roofing Adhesive

  • High Quality
  • High Softening Point
  • High Penetration Index

HPR All-Temp Asphalt is a high-grade waterproofing and roofing laminate asphalt with a double advantage: an unusually high softening point and a correspondingly high penetration index. The high melting point gives HPR All-Temp firmness in the summer heat, and the high penetration index gives it greater flexibility in cold winter temperatures. These characteristics make HPR All-Temp ideal for climates with large temperature differentials like those in the northern half of North America. HPR All-Temp can be used as the bonding/waterproofing bitumen for all Garland HPR Systems, including all StressPly®, StressPly Plus, StressPly E, VersiPly, HPR Tri-Base Premium, and Glasfelt. The HPR All-Temp can also be used for flashings, as specified by Garland.

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Product Specifications


Quality Control Feature Photo

High Quality

Unlike the physical properties of conventional asphalts that vary greatly from batch to batch, HPR All-Temp is made to extremely tight specifications, so there is little variance from batch to batch. This leads to great margin of error for applicators and improved long-term performance.

HPR All-Temp Website Photo

High Softening Point

The high melting point gives HPR All-Temp firmness in the summer heat. 

Product Page Feature Photos

High Penetration Index

The high penetration index gives it greater flexibility in cold winter temperatures. 

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RMer Span Curve Panels are being installed onto the North County Regional Library