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Perma-Top Patch Kit

  • Self-Priming
  • VOC Compliant
  • Impact Resistant

Perma-Top Patch Kit is a three-component, pigmented, VOC-compliant 100% epoxy/aggregate combination patching compound for concrete floors. It is self-priming and will withstand heavy impact from continuous forklift traffic or steel-wheeled equipment. Perma-Top Patch Kit repairs holes and wide cracks in concrete floors. It can be applied in openings as small as 1/8” (3.18 mm) up to any depth in need of repair. This product can be hand troweled from 1/8” to 1/4” (3.18 to 6.35 mm) to resurface small rooms or to restore floors to a smooth surface. It can also be used to repair holes left by equipment seated in concrete or around the bolts that anchor newly placed equipment. Perma-Top can even be used to “ramp” sections of uneven adjoining concrete slabs.

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Product Specifications


Product Page Feature Photo


Perma-Top needs no additional primer for satisfactory adhesion to concrete. Skipping a prime coat returns the floor area to service faster with less downtime in high-traffic areas.

low VOC, hospital/schools/heavily populated areas

VOC Compliant

Perma-Top is a solvent-free product, permitting its use anywhere a non-flammable, odorless product is required. Perma-Top is acceptable anywhere clean air regulations or employee health and safety are a concern.

Perma-Top Patch Kit Website Photo

Impact Resistant

Perma-Top has extremely high impact resistance and compressive strength, allowing it to withstand the heaviest of forklift and steel-wheeled traffic.

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