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HPR® Polyscrim Plus

  • Security in Multi-Ply Construction
  • Excellent Puncture & Abrasion Resistance
  • Designed for Today's More Demanding Roof Needs

HPR Polyscrim Plus is a continuous filament, point bonded, chemically treated, polyester mat that is specifically formulated to accept hot bitumen as a bonding adhesive. When HPR Polyscrim Plus is used with two plies of HPR Glasfelt, it creates a roof system that provides superior tensile strength and the elongation properties required to withstand thermal shock. HPR Polyscrim Plus can be used in a three or four-ply configuration. This multi-ply high-performance system offers exceptional tensile strength and elongation.

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Product Specifications


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Security in Multi-Ply Construction

The HPR Polyscrim Plus system combines the inherent advantages and proven performance characteristics of multi-ply systems with the strength, flexibility and elongation of elastomeric systems. This unique combination minimizes dependence on perfect workmanship, contact adhesive seaming, etc.

HPR Polyscrim Plus Website Photo

Excellent Puncture & Abrasion Resistance

The HPR Polyscrim Plus System incorporates the use of polyester and fiberglass mat reinforcement. The polyester mat provides excellent puncture resistance and elongation capability. The fiberglass underlayers impart additional tensile strength and fire resistance. This unique combination produces a thick multi-ply system that is capable of withstanding punctures and abrasion far better than conventional built-up roofs or single-ply membranes.

HPR Polyscrim Plus Website Photo

Designed for Today's More Demanding Roofing Needs

Today, roofs are larger and flatter. The incidence of thermal shock damage has increased because of the popularity of lightweight metal decks, sophisticated heating and air conditioning systems and increased insulation. As modern engineering practices have imposed greater demands upon roof system performance, the quality of conventional roofing paper has deteriorated. HPR Polyscrim Plus puts an end to the “quality slide.” It has the strength and flexibility to measure up to today’s more demanding requirements.

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RMer Span Curve Panels are being installed onto the North County Regional Library